
New in version 2.1.0.

Unpack a datadir archive for MySQL.

This expects a .tar or .xb based file archive of a MySQL datadir, whose paths are relative to the MySQL datadir. Such archives might be generated by Percona XtraBackup or other LVM based backup utilities.


Usage: dbsake unpack [options] [path]

  Unpack a MySQL backup archive.

  This command will unpack tar or Percona XtraBackup xbstream archives with
  support for filtering and extracting only a subset of tables.

  -l, --list-contents             List the contents of the archive, but don't
  --progress / --no-progress      Enable/disable progress bar when unpacking.
  -C, --directory <path>          Directory to output to (default: $PWD)
  -t, --table <db.table>          Only extract table datafiles matching
                                  specified database.table glob patterns.
  -T, --exclude-table <db.table>  Exclude table data files matching specified
                                  databsae.table glob patterns.
  -?, --help                      Show this message and exit.


$ dbsake unpack -C /data/mysql/ < backup.xb.gz


-l, --list-contents

List the contents of the archive but do not extract any file contents. Each file path will be output to stdout. Table inclusion/exclusion options are honored and any excluded table will not output.

--progress / --no-progress

Enable or disable (respectively) progress bar output. This outputs a bar on stderr indicating how much data has been read thus far, and, if known, an estimated ETA until completion.

If stderr appears to be a TTY (i.e. isatty(3) is true for stderr), progress wil be enabled by default.

-C, --directory <path>

Output all archived files relative to <path>.

<path> defaults to the current working directory.

-t, --table <glob>

Restricted extracted table data files to those who match a database.tablename glob. This matching is done against the decoded tablename so paths like foo@002dbar/foo@002dbaz would be filtered with a pattern like ‘foo-bar.foo-baz’.

This option may be specified multiple times. A table is included if it matches at least one include pattern and does not match any exclude patterns.

Note: mysql.* is always enabled regardless of this option. To exclude the mysql schema, a specified –exclude-table option should be used.

-T, --exclude-table <glob>

Restricted extracted table data files to those who do NOT match a database.tablename glob. This matching is done against the decoded tablename after processing the MySQL filename encoding and after removing any relative extensions or partitioning information from the filename.

This option may be specified multiple times. A table is extracted if it matches at least one include option (if any are specified) and does not match any exclude options.


Path to the archive to process. This defaults to stdin but the unpack command will refuse to process input from a tty. You must redirect stdin with a valid archive file or specify a path to a valid archive.

Unpack supports both xbstream format files (as generated by Percona XtraBackup) and tar format files. All paths are assumed to be relative to the datadir (similar to archives generated by Percona XtraBackup or various Holland Backup Manager plugins). dbsake will transparently decompress input archives - currently gzip, bzip2, lzop and xz extension are supported, provided the decompression utilities are available on $PATH.